Get Ready for Fall
Starting your college career is an exciting time. To ensure a successful and smooth transition to Clark, use the list below to keep track of everything you need to do. Click on a task to view more information and relevant links. Make sure to start early with advising and course registration — first-year courses fill up quickly. For any questions or concerns, please email
Due May 29
Activate your Clark account to gain access to our network services, including Clark email (where you will receive official University communications) and your ClarkYOU account (the portal where you can register for housing and meal plans, find information about classes and billing, access much of what Clark has to offer, and update your information on CUWeb).
In the Admissions portal, you can find your Clark username and ID information, then click the button below to begin.
Need help?
Visit Information Technology Services (ITS)
Download Clark’s health forms and review the requirements to see if you need to set up an appointment with your doctor and update your vaccines. The forms and vaccines are necessary to comply with Massachusetts immunization regulations. By June 26, you will need to submit the forms to Health Services using your Clark credentials.
If you’re interested in our popular pre-Orientation program — the Advancing Clark Excellence (ACE) Summer Institute, you need to apply by May 29, the priority deadline.
ACE, the University’s four-year support program for first-generation students will be held Aug. 3–20, 2025.
Learn about the ACE Summer Institute
Learn more about what the Office of Identity, Student Engagement, and Access has to offer
Join other Clark students and learn everything about becoming a Clarkie this summer. Get you questions answered, review your checklist and academic requirements, and be prepared for course registration and so much more! Check your email for details to register for this Zoom meeting.
Clark University provides support for qualified students who register with Student Accessibility Services (SAS), where the staff works with students to coordinate academic and residential accommodations and other services on campus. If you have documented accommodations, please send your information to Student Accessibility Services (SAS) by May 29 for their review. This deadline is important for housing and course accommodations. Students registered with SAS are also invited to campus early to participate in SAS Early Orientation.
For more information about our accessibility support services, visit our website, email, or call 1-508-798-4368.
After completing your intake with Student Accessibility Services, take some time to also learn more about the Strategic Learning Services program we offer at Clark. The Strategic Learning Services program supports students by pairing them with a learning coach for at least one hour per week to holistically track long-term success, building students’ self-confidence, motivation, and self-reliance through individualized study strategies adapted to individual student needs and learning styles.
Due June 12
Apply to live on campus and select your meal plan option if you are an incoming first-year student, or a first-year or sophomore transfer student.
Be sure to complete your housing request form and select your meal plan as soon as you can so that your bill reflects accurate information. The form will become available in May.
The music theory placement test is used to assist students interested in taking music course enter at the appropriate level. Students who wish to major or minor in music should take the placement test to begin your program at the right stage.
If you are not taking a music class but have an interest in music, then you still may want to take the placement test to obtain your recommendation for music study.
Here’s how to take the test:
- Log onto the Canvas website with your Clark username and password.
- Click “Enroll in Course” on the right, and then “Go to the Course.”
The mathematics placement test is used as a prerequisite for several courses. You are required to take the test if you plan on taking a math class or PSYC 105 (Statistics).
If you are not taking those classes, then you still may want to take the mathematics placement test to obtain an independent assessment of your quantitative ability.
Here’s how to take the test:
- Log onto the Canvas website with your Clark username and password.
- Click “Enroll in Course” on the right, and then “Go to the Course.”
Please check your email for more information about the advising preparation form and advising information form.
Registration for the fall semester classes will take place in late June and July. To schedule an appointment to register for classes, complete your Advising Information Form as soon as possible (available in May via email).
Once complete, you will be able to schedule an appointment and receive more information to prepare for your registration meeting, including browsing course offerings, thinking about course schedule, and becoming familiar with Clark’s academic policies.
Due June 26
Submit required health forms to Clark’s Health Services. The forms are necessary to comply with Massachusetts immunization regulations.
Keep copies of all your health forms for your own records. You will be notified via your Clark email account regarding the status of your health forms.
In June, you need to schedule a meeting with your adviser over Zoom to review your goals for the fall semester and discuss courses that interest you and fit your schedule. (Before your meeting, be sure to complete the Adviser Information Form, review the course catalog, and check out courses available for fall.)
After reviewing your possible schedule, you will register for courses with your advisor. Most likely, you will register for four courses for the fall semester, along with any labs, discussions, and Navigator sections necessary.
You can schedule your appointment with your adviser to register for classes as soon as you complete your required forms. You must meet and register with your adviser by July 25 to register for classes.
Classes fill up quickly, it’s better to meet sooner rather than later.
Note: Students with early registration should check their Clark account for important deadlines.
For Incoming Transfer Students: Be on the look out for an email from the Academic Advising Center that will outline the process you will take to register for your fall classes.
Please note: the health insurance waivers and enrollment link will open on June 1.
In accordance with Massachusetts state law, Clark University requires all matriculated full-time and three-quarter-time students to participate in the Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP) unless they provide proof of comprehensive comparable coverage under a policy filed and approved in the U.S.
A health insurance charge will be listed on your fall semester bill.
If you are a U.S. student:
- Your plan must provide access to doctors, hospitals, labs, pharmacies, and behavioral health providers in the Clark University campus area.
- The policy must be a U.S. health insurance plan that is filed and approved in the U.S. and Affordable Care Act-compliant. Travel insurance and short-term limited duration plans are not accepted.
- Out-of-state Medicaid and many out-of-state HMO or EPO plans do not provide out-of-network coverage. Urgent and/or emergency-only coverage does not meet the SHIP requirements. This is particularly a concern if you are insured through a Health Maintenance Organization (HMO), such as Kaiser.
- Please check with your insurance company on possible limitations before submitting a waiver form. Health insurance plans that do not reasonably provide access for all health services to the student in the Worcester, Mass., area are not eligible for a waiver.
- You may apply for a waiver online by visiting
If you are an international student and you are covered by a U.S. health insurance plan that meets all of the waiver requirements:
- Contact University Health Plans at 1-800-437-6448 or to request the international student waiver form.
You know you’re an official Clarkie when you get your Clark OneCard. It’s more than a campus ID; you need a OneCard to store money and access many campus services and buildings, including your residence hall, the parking garage, events, printing, and more.
All students must have a photo ID. Submit a digital photo online, and your OneCard will be printed and ready for you when you arrive for Orientation.
Photo requirements are similar to those for a driver’s license or passport. Use a JPG/JPEG file no larger than 480-by-640 pixels, and less than 200 KB in file size. Log in to your Clark account to submit your photo.
Authorized Users
If you want a family member or someone else to receive e-bill notifications and view your e-bill, you must grant this authorization by following the steps below. Once you do, they will receive an email message whenever your e-bill is available; you also will receive that email message via your Clark email.
Note: You must log in to ClarkYOU to accomplish this task.
Due July 24
Be sure to check your email in early July regarding your fall bill, and access it online by July 24. Your final payment for the fall semester is due Aug. 8, but it’s important to make sure everything is correct in case you need to reach out to the Student Accounts Office.
To view semester invoices and monthly billing statements, log into ClarkYOU with your Clark credentials to view your student account.
- Log onto ClarkYOU with your and your password
- Select Main Menu from selections on left
- Select Registrar’s Office, Student Account and Financial Aid
- Select Student Account Information
- Select View and Pay Student Account
Your bill will include information about your housing and dining options, financial aid, insurance, tuition and fees, and more.
While viewing your bill in the Bill and Payment Center, you can:
- Check out payment plan options.
- Set up an authorized user (“third party”) on your student account.
- Purchase tuition insurance.
- Create a refund profile in the event that Clark owes you money.
Note: You must log in to ClarkYOU to accomplish this task.
Clark Engage is the hub of student activity at Clark. Log in with your Clark credentials to set up your Clark Engage account and check-in app profile.
On Clark Engage, you can find student organizations, learn about upcoming events and activities, track involvement, and get a sense of all that Clark has to offer. As you get more involved, Clark Engage is your destination for how to join clubs, manage activities, and build out your experiences.
Once you have your profile, download the CORQ App and log in with your Clark email to access everything happening at Clark on your smart device!
If you accepted your Federal Direct Stafford Loan(s), you received an email in mid-June from the Office of Financial Assistance. The email included instructions about completing the Entrance Loan Counseling and Master Promissory Note (MPN).
If you wish to decline or reduce the loan(s) awarded to you, please submit this request to from your Clark University email account.
To finalize enrollment at Clark, Admissions needs your final transcript from your high school or your most recent undergraduate institution. Your transcript confirms the classes you’ve taken, and will be used for your eligibility for certain classes at Clark.
Contact the Admissions Office if you have specific questions about what is required.
Contact Undergraduate Admissions
Students hoping to transfer college credit to Clark University are encouraged to submit their transcripts as soon as they are available for course registration.
If you are planning to bring in AP or IB Credits, please make sure your scores are shared with our team in the Academic Advising Center as they are available.
Do you plan on seeking employment or an internship while at Clark?
Clark offers two online tools for finding jobs and internships: Handshake and ClarkCONNECT.
Whether you are a first-year or transfer student, you can find jobs on campus or in the local community by using Clark’s online job portal, Handshake. Log in using your Clark email address and password; your profile has already been created for you.
Follow these steps:
- Create or update your resume. You can use templates for resumes and cover letters if needed.
- Have your documents reviewed by Career Lab staff. Using your Clark email, send your documents to the Career Lab at and include the date you need the document reviewed by (please allow 3-5 business days). A written review will be sent directly to your inbox.
- Apply for jobs, and keep applying until you are hired.
- Pack your identification to bring to campus! In order to be set up in our payroll system, you will need original identification to satisfy federal I-9 requirements.
Another option for finding jobs and internships is to set up an account on ClarkCONNECT, an easy-to-use platform that connects you to more than 6,000 Clark alumni, students, and faculty. Through this network, you can find a mentor, learn about an industry, get advice from professionals, explore research collaborations, and apply to jobs, internships, and ClarkCONNECT projects.
Set up your ClarkCONNECT profile
If you are considering a work study job, watch this informational video. Please note that you’ll need to log in with your Clark email and password.
For more information
For more information on the on-campus job search process, visit the Find a Job page, and the Student Employment page.
Settling into your new home just got easier thanks to Collegiate Concepts! Rent your own MicroFridge through Collegiate Concepts and we deliver it to your room before you arrive on campus. This MicroFridge Unit has been approved by Clark University for use in all residential communities. Microfridges are combination microwave/fridge units; they are the only microwaves permitted in the residence halls. It has a true zero-degree freezer and only one plug to the wall to save on outlet space. Details will be sent out for a hassle-free pickup at the end of the year, you will simply clean the unit and leave it in your room and we will do the rest. No need to buy a mini fridge and struggle to find a home for it after the year is over, we’ve got you covered!
When housing assignments are released, you will be able to find your roommate information on your profile in the Housing and Dining portal. Be sure to log in and connect with them to introduce yourself via the contact information shared before your arrival to campus.
International students must submit their arrival information to the International Center by filling out the Arrival Form (mandatory).
International students arriving to the Boston Logan International Airport on Monday, Aug. 19, are encouraged to participate in the International Center’s Airport Shuttle program. To use this service, students must sign up by July 24 by filling out the Airport Shuttle Form.
To contact you in case of an emergency, Clark needs your most up-to-date information before you get to campus. Your emergency contact information will be used only if the University needs to contact someone if you are involved in an emergency situation.
Log into ClarkYOU with your Clark credentials, and find the Emergency Contacts by clicking on the ClarkALERTS Updater box on the right side, then clicking the link in the bottom paragraph that reads “Update your emergency contacts.”
Once inside the main menu of CUWeb, click the “Personal Information” tab and then “Update Emergency Contacts.” Select someone you want to have notified, and provide their contact information.
FERPA Waiver
As you are updating your Emergency Contact information, this may be a good time to decide whether you want to complete a FERPA Waiver. The Family Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) provides for the confidentiality of student educational records. This means that Clark may not disclose and/or discuss information about you without your permission, which is granted by submitting a waiver through your ClarkYOU Account. This includes grades, conduct information, or anything that is not deemed a health and safety emergency by the University.
Due August 8
To avoid registration holds and loss of class time, all students must pay the balances on their Clark bills by Aug. 8, 2025.
By now, you probably have become familiar with the Bill and Payment Center, available by logging into ClarkYOU and CUWeb with your Clark credentials.
By Aug. 8, we ask you to create a refund profile in the event that Clark owes you money during your time here.
Academics at the University level can feel a bit different than your previous learning experiences, and as a student, there are many things to know about what is expected of you as a student. This includes being honest in the work you do and submit, citing ideas, working independently, and more.
Log into with your ClarkU email and password and complete the Academic Integrity module, including watching a video, reviewing the information, and engaging in the case studies. At the end, there is a quiz you must complete the quiz with a score of 85% or better by August 8.
This should take approximately 30 minutes – one hour to complete.
Clark University partners with Vector Solutions for a series of online orientation modules to be completed no later than August 8. Click Vector Solutions and log in with your Clark email and password. This module will be available in July.
You will have multiple online modules to complete, on the topics of identity and inclusion, substance abuse, hazing, sexual harassment, consent, sexual violence, and bystander intervention prior to their arrival on campus.
The Vector Solutions modules will take 3-4 hours to complete.
Clark University partners with the Higher Education Research Institute on the national Freshman survey. All incoming undergraduate students must complete the survey through their personalized link that was emailed to their Clark email account from Orientation in July. Students can also find their personalized link on the Friday Checklist emails.
For over 50 years, the CIRP Freshmen Survey has administered this survey to incoming students to help Clark learn more about students’ background characteristics, high school experiences, attitudes, behaviors, and expectations for college.
This should take 30-45 minutes to complete and is due by August 8.
By now, you’ve already logged into Clark Engage with your Clark email and password and set up your Clark Engage account so you have access to all the activities, events, clubs, and all that Clark has to offer.
Now, download the CORQ App, so you have Clark Engage with you wherever you go. CORQ is where the Orientation schedule will be posted, and how you check into events on campus, at move-in, during orientation, and throughout the entire year. You can also review and join clubs, RSVP for events, and check out everything going on campus.
This is due completed by August 8 so you are ready for Orientation.
All devices on the Clark Network are required to meet minimum requirements. These include an up-to-date operating system and an up-to-date antivirus software. Once your computer has been checked for and met the minimum requirements, your device’s hardware address is recorded and you are allowed onto the network. Your registration will last for 26 months. After 26 months, you will be required to register your device again.
There are steps you can do before arriving on campus to prepare your device.
Division of Student Success
2nd Floor,
Shaich Family Alumni and Student Engagement Center - 1-508-793-7423
- success[at]clarku[dot]edu
9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Monday through Friday